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Concepts and Jedi Skills Taught within this Order:

  • The Force
  • Negotiation
  • Ethics
  • Jedi Concepts: Commitment, Perseverance, Courage, Leadership, Patience, and Honesty
  • Becoming a "Living Jedi"
  • Jedi Wisdom
  • The Jedi Perspective

information about teachings

The teachings here at TS are tailored to not only give our students the best resources available to improve themselves, but also to the fact that TS is an online community of Jedi. The High Council recognizes the fact that many Jedi skills are simply impossible to gauge and test online. Therefore, the High Council has decided that only skills that are able to be verified will be tested during the Trials. However the other skills will not be overlooked completely. TS will offer advice, basic training, tips, or guidance towards proper instruction in the untested Jedi fields.

The High Council believes not only in lectures and the imparting of knowledge to a student, but also showing the student why this knowledge is taught. We believe that a student has the right to an explanation as to why things are the way they are. The High Council intends to have each concept to be as "hands-on" as possible, so the student isn't merely left with the only option of taking our words for it. However, all TS students must understand that some concepts in Jedi training cannot be taught right away, and they will be given explanations as to why certain things must wait.

All students in TS must keep an open mind. This is crucially important when training as a Jedi. To take an example from the movies, when training with Master Yoda, Luke Skywalker was inhibited by the fact he could not "believe" that the Force could do many extraordinary things. "You must unlearn what you have learned," was the advice Yoda gave to him. Many teachings in TS may seem strange, counter-intuitive, or even fantastical. This is why a student must keep an open mind, and be willing to ask for help when trying to understand a difficult concept. Holding onto beliefs about the universe, people, "reality", and religion without questioning them is the path to a closed mind which can learn nothing.


The Jedi skills and concepts that will be taught and tested by TS are as follows: The Force, Negotiation / Conflict Resolution, the Ethics and Morality of being a Jedi, Commitment, Perseverance, Courage, Leadership, Patience, Honesty, becoming a "living Jedi", Jedi Wisdom, and the Jedi Perspective. Mastering these things will grant you all the tools you need to master the other areas of a Jedi's studies. TS considers these skills and concepts to be at the very heart of the Jedi Way.

Overview of Jedi Skills and Concepts taught at TS

The Force

The Force is central to a Jedi's way of thinking. As a student in TS you will learn how the Jedi view the Force, and how that view of it effects how a Jedi behaves. You will learn to feel the Force for yourself and see first hand the power that a Jedi can wield from within.


You will learn the art of Negotiation as well. Even old hermits in the desert named Ben Kenobi must know how to barter a deal or talk down a conflict. A Jedi seeks to bring peace to his/her environment, so Negotiation is one of your most important tools. You will learn techniques for calming agitated parties as well as taking an "objective view" of the conflict. You will learn the strength and limits of logical reasoning, as well as the occasional well-placed flair of the dramatic.

Ethics and Morality

Ethics and Morality are what set Jedi apart from the rest of the world. It is this that defines you as a Jedi. The code that TS uses is unique and expresses the values and morals that the High Council wishes to impart to every student at TS. Every Jedi Knight in this Order must obey this code while within the order. Students are not expected to have perfect behavior, but all students are expected to make every effort to follow the code whenever possible.

Jedi Concepts

Commitment, Perseverance, Courage, Leadership, Patience, and Honesty are very important not only here at TS but in daily life as well. Through your words, lessons and actions you will learn to utilize, understand, and fully exhibit these concepts. They can appear in more places than you would think, and are far more useful than they seem at first glance.

Being a "living Jedi"

Becoming a "living Jedi" is a difficult task that is not for everyone. Being a Jedi in TS is not just something you do on your computer at home for fun. It is a real life commitment and part of being a Jedi is actually "living it." Being a Jedi is a part of who you are. As a Jedi it is your duty to assist others whenever possible. This applies both online and offline. All Jedi in TS are encouraged to volunteer time and services to those who need it.

Jedi Wisdom

Jedi Wisdom is a term we use at TS to cover many things. What it entails is a higher level of understanding the world. A Jedi knows that his or her own personal opinions are not any more valid than anyone else's. He or she also knows that there are often many sides to any given situation and that understanding as many sides as possible is the way to find the solution. A Jedi is the first to admit that they are not omniscient, and is not afraid to ask for help when needed. There are of course many more things included in Jedi Wisdom as well.

The Jedi Perspective

The Jedi Perspective is how a Jedi from TS views the world and his or her place in it. A Jedi's life is service to those in need, and he or she realizes that the needs of the world take priority over his or her personal needs. A Jedi therefore places life and justice above his or herself. A Jedi is humble and does not seek fame or power. He or she instead appreciates the beauty of the world and the universe, and seeks to preserve that beauty.



All new and prospective students should bear in mind that the above descriptions are brief summaries of the teachings here at TS. They do not list every teaching, concept, or major focus of each area of study. This document is here to simply give new and prospective members a preview of what they will be expected to learn and do here.

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© Tenebrae Surgunt, 2008